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Black Tourmaline Crystal

Creating a Barrier of Protection with Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips

The article discusses the benefits and techniques of using black tourmaline crystal chips to create a protective barrier around oneself. This crystal is believed to possess strong protective and grounding properties, making it a popular choice for energy cleansing and spiritual protection. The article explains how to use black tourmaline chips in different ways, such as carrying them in a pouch, placing them around the house, or using them in meditation. It also discusses the importance of setting intentions and regularly cleansing and recharging the crystals for maximum effectiveness.
Photo of Jovie Shank
By Jovie Shank
January 24, 2024 | 5 Min Read
article photo for Creating a Barrier of Protection with Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips

Introduction: Understanding the Power of Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips

Black Tourmaline is a powerful crystal known for its abilities to protect and shield its user from negative energies. For centuries, it has been used to protect from bad habits, psychic attacks, negative thought forms, and other forms of energy destruction. It is also known for its purifying and balancing energies, as well as its ability to help set healthy boundaries.

The Benefits of Using Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips as a Barrier of Protection

Black Tourmaline crystal chips can create a barrier of protection around you and your space, helping to keep negative energies from entering and influencing your life. It is a powerful stone that can help to shield against psychic attacks, negative influences, and mental stress. It also helps to protect the user from toxic people and environments.

In addition to its protective properties, Black Tourmaline crystal chips can help to bring in harmonizing energies, peaceful vibrations, and balance to your life. It also has the capacity to help bring in positive energies and manifest positive life changes.

Protective PropertiesHarmonizing / Balancing Properties
Shields against psychic attacksHelps to bring in harmonizing energies
Deflects negative influencesHelps to bring in peaceful vibrations
Protects from toxic people and environmentsHelps to balance your life
Defends against mental stressBrings in positive energies

How to Select the Right Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips for Your Needs

When selecting the right Black Tourmaline crystal chips for your needs, it is important to take into account the size, shape, and type of the crystals. Large chips are great for creating a strong protective barrier, while small chips are better suited for placing on individual items, such as jewellery or a wallet. It is also important to select chips that have a clean, polished surface with a consistent colour pattern.

Setting Up Your Barrier of Protection: Placement and Display Tips

Once you have selected the right Black Tourmaline crystal chips for your needs, it’s time to set up your barrier of protection. An optimal way to do this is to place the crystals in the corners of your home, office, or any other space you wish to protect. You can also display the crystals in a bowl or other decorative container to attract positive energies.

Activating Your Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips for Maximum Protection

When it comes to activating your Black Tourmaline crystal chips for maximum protection, it is important to take a few steps. To unlock the power of the crystals, first, take a few deep breaths and focus your intention on the barrier of protection you are creating. Next, hold the crystals in your dominant hand and visualize a safe and protective shield of energy surrounding you and your space. Finally, set your intention for this shield of protection to remain in place.

Maintaining and Cleansing Your Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips for Continued Effectiveness

Black Tourmaline crystal chips may require periodic maintenance and cleansing to ensure optimal protection. To cleanse the energy of your crystals, hold them in your dominant hand and pass them through the smoke of a cleansing incense, such as Palo Santo or sage. This helps to clear any accumulated negative energy from the crystals and allow for continued protection.

Combining Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips with Other Crystals for Enhanced Protection

Black Tourmaline crystal chips can be combined with a variety of other crystals to strengthen and enhance your barriers of protection. When using these combined crystals, it is important to set your intention and to infuse them with positive energy.

Some crystals that pair well with Black Tourmaline include:

AmethystEnhances psychic awareness
SeleniteCleanses and heals energies
CitrineAttracts money and wealth
Clear QuartzAmplifies energy and intention

How Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips Can Help Combat Negative Energies and Influence

Black Tourmaline crystal chips can help to reduce and combat the negative energy and influence of people and environments. It helps to absorb and disperse these energies, allowing you to maintain a positive and balanced energy field.

It is also helpful in deflecting unsettling energies, such as fear and anger, which can be detrimental to your emotional well-being. Black Tourmaline crystal chips can also help to increase clarity and bring a sense of peace and calm.

Real-Life Success Stories: People's Experiences with Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips

Many people have experienced the power of Black Tourmaline crystal chips first-hand. Here are a few real-life success stories:

  • One user reported feeling an immediate sense of calm and clarity when utilizing the crystals.
  • Another user reported a decrease in negative energy and an increase in positive vibes when using her crystal chips.
  • A third user reported that her Black Tourmaline crystal chips helped to protect her from physical and emotional harm.

Conclusion: Harnessing the Power of Black Tourmaline Crystal Chips for Your Protection

Black Tourmaline crystal chips are an effective way to create a barrier of protection in your life. They help to shield against negative energies, deflect negative influences, and absorb and disperse unsettling energies. When combined with other crystals, Black Tourmaline crystal chips can bring in enhanced protection and powerful energies of peace and balance. When used in conjunction with mindful intention, these crystals can help to create an energetic cocoon of protection around you and your space.

Photo of Jovie Shank

With over twenty years of experience with crystals, I've harnessed their energies for goal achievement, protection, and attracting love. These steadfast companions have guided me with their wisdom and light.

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