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Black Tourmaline Crystal

Creating a Protective Shield with Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

The article discusses the use of black tourmaline crystal mirrors as a protective shield against negative energies. Black tourmaline, known for its grounding properties, can be used as a talisman to deflect negative energies and promote a sense of wellbeing. This crystal mirror is easy to create and can be incorporated into ones daily routine to promote a peaceful and balanced environment. By reflecting negativity away, black tourmaline crystal mirrors can help foster a sense of protection and security.
Photo of Jovie Shank
By Jovie Shank
December 03, 2023 | 6 Min Read
article photo for Creating a Protective Shield with Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

Understanding the Power of Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

Black Tourmaline is one of the most powerful protective and healing crystals. It is associated with the root chakra and helps defend against negative energies, stress, and physical danger. It is also said to be a powerful Feng Shui tool for shielding and protection. Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror takes these inherent properties a step further by reflecting the energy, creating a powerful force field of energy. This type of mirror is an ancient protective device used to guard a space from negative energies and malicious intent.

How to Choose the Perfect Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

Choosing a Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror should start with considering the purpose of the shield. It is important to think about how you want this mirror to protect and serve you. Consider the size of the room, shape of the mirror, and your personal needs.

Once you’ve decided on the purpose, it’s time to choose the shape of the mirror. Black Tourmaline mirrors come in a range of shapes, from circular to octagonal to square. Consider the purpose and size of the room when selecting a shape.

Cleansing and Charging Your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

Before using your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror, it is important to cleanse and activate the protective energy using a simple process. Start by smudging the mirror with smudge sticks or incense such as sage or palo santo. You can also use a singing bowl to create cleansing vibrations.

After smudging your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror, you can charge and activate the protective energy by exposing it to sunlight for at least 15 minutes. You can also use moonlight to help activate the energy of the mirror.

Placing Your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror in Your Space

When placing your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror, it is important to take into account the positive and negative directions and the Feng Shui principles. The mirror should be placed in a direction that reflects any unwanted energies, such as in front of a window or door. It is important to take care not to position it directly in front of a source of natural light, such as the sun or moon.

It is also important to consider where the energy of the Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror should be concentrated. It is best to place the mirror in an area of your home or office that needs the most protection, such as a place of rest or your work space. Alternatively, you can focus the mirror’s energy where you would like to promote healing such as a living room or bedroom.

The Benefits of a Protective Shield with Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirrors are powerful tools for establishing a protective forcefield which reflects and amplifies the energy of the crystal. This can provide immense protection against energies of malicious intent, negative energies, and other forms of energetic attack.

By using this powerful crystal tool, you can create a strong shield of protection and create a sense of peaceful calm in your space. It can also be an aid for inner transformation and spiritual growth by providing a safe space to practice daily meditation.

Incorporating Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror into Your Self-Care Routine

Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror can be an excellent self-care tool. By using Black Tourmaline energy to increase spiritual energy and clear away any negative energies, you can create a deeply healing and transformative experience.

Start by finding a comfortable seated position with your back straight. Place your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror in front of you and visualize a shield of energy and light radiating from the mirror. Make sure to take the time to become aware of any underlying emotions and let them dissipate as you become present in the moment.

Combining Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror with Other Crystals for Maximum Protection

Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror can be paired up with other crystals to create a powerful protection shield. It’s important to carefully choose crystals that resonate with Black Tourmaline’s energy. Amethyst, for example, has strong purifying and calming energies which can help bring about peace and balance.

Alternatively, you can incorporate crystals such as Selenite, Clear Quartz, or Lapis Lazuli to create a powerful protective forcefield. When choosing crystals to combine with your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror, remember to pay attention to the energy of each crystal and select the ones that best fit your needs.

Using Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror as a Protective Talisman

A Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror can also serve as a talisman for protection. Symbols that are related to the protective energy of the mirror can be drawn on the surface of the mirror such as eyes, ancient symbols, or sacred geometry. These symbols and drawings can help to add even more power to the protective energy of the mirror.

Harnessing the Energy of Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror for Personal Growth

Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror is not only a powerful tool for protection; it can also help in personal transformation. The reflective energy of the mirror can be used as an aid for self-discovery, meditation, and mindfulness.

Try using your mirror to focus on one or two qualities that you want to cultivate. Visualize the desired qualities while meditating in front of the mirror and use the energy of the mirror to help amplify and manifest the qualities. With sustained practice, your soul will be tuned to the connective energies of the mirror and the qualities will become a part of your being.

Maintaining and Caring for Your Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror

Like all crystals and stones, Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror needs regular care. Cleanse, recharge, and infuse the mirror regularly to maintain its protective power.

When not in use, place Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror in a safe place to prevent any potential damage.

You can also place a small pouch of salt next to the mirror, which helps to absorb any negative energy and can be easily replaced.


Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror is an ancient protective device that harnesses the power of the Black Tourmaline crystal. It can be used to create a powerful shield of protection and promote spiritual growth and transformation.

When choosing a Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror, consider the purpose of the shield, the size of the room, and the shape of the mirror.

Activating the Protective Energy of the mirror requires cleansing and charging. Start by smudging the mirror and then expose it to sunlight or moonlight for 15 minutes. Make sure to take the directions, positive and negative, and Feng Shui principles into account when placing the mirror in your space.

The Benefits of using Black Tourmaline Crystal Mirror include protection against malicious energies and personal transformation. Additionally, you can combine other crystals to increase the protective energy of the mirror. Make sure to maintain and care for your mirror by regularly cleansing, recharging, and infusing it with positive energy.

Photo of Jovie Shank

With over twenty years of experience with crystals, I've harnessed their energies for goal achievement, protection, and attracting love. These steadfast companions have guided me with their wisdom and light.

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